BreakingLands Wiki
Chest expencive close

Chest chip close Chest deplomat close Chest expencive close
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

  • Summary
    • Chests are the objects located in players' area that give resources when clicked on. After being clicked they become closed for a short time. After a series of time-outs chests disappear forever.
    • There are 4 kinds of chests: dusty bag, luxury box, treasury and casket. The difference between them is in the amount of given resources. Some of them are available from the beginning of the game, other can be found in uninvestigated areas around the island.
    • Сasket takes up 3x3 space. Other chests take up 2x2 space.
    • If there is not enough space in your Banks and Mints to storage resources from a chest, the excess part of them will be destroyed.
    • Chests can not be upgraded or destroyed during the enemies' raiding.
  • ' area that give resources when clicked on. After being clicked they become closed for a short time. After a series of time-outs chests disappear forever.
    • There are 4 kinds of chests: dusty bag, luxury box, treasury and casket. The difference between them is in the amount of given resources. Some of them are available from the beginning of the game, other can be found in uninvestigatake up 2x2 space.
    • If there is not enough space in your Banks and Mints to storage resources from a chest, the excess part of them will be destroyed.

    • Chests are the objects located in players' area that give resources when clicked on. After being clicked they become closed for a short time. After a series of time-outs chests disappear forever.
    • There are 4 kinds of chests: dusty bag, luxury box, treasury and casket. The difference between them is in the amount of given resources. Some of them are available from the beginning of the game, other can be found in uninvestigated areas around the island.
    • Сasket takes up 3x3 space. Other chests take up 2x2 space.
    • Chests can not be upgraded or destroyed during the enemies' raiding.**Chests are the objects located in players' area that give resources when clicked on. After being clicked they become closed for a short time. After a series of time-outs chests disappear forever.
    • There are 4 kinds of chests: dusty bag, luxury box, treasury and casket. The difference between them is in the amount of given resources. Some of them are available from the beginning of the game, other can be found in uninvestigated areas around the island.
    • Сasket takes up 3x3 space. Other chests take up 2x2 space.
    • If there is not enough space in your Banks and Mints to storage resources from a chest, the excess part of them will be destroyed.
    • Chests can not be upgraded or destroyed during the enemies' raiding.