Crowns are the premium in-game currency used to advance players' villages. Additional Crowns can be earned in-game by completing Achievements or clearing Obstacles, or purchased with real money. Crowns can be used in several ways:
- There are several items, such as Worker's Houses, that can only be purchased with a substantial amount of Crowns.
- Crowns also can be used to buy other Resources such as Gold and Grain in varying amounts.
- They can be used to instantly finish the Troop training queues in Barracks.
- Crowns can also be used to instantly complete the construction or upgrade of Buildings, or Troop upgrades in the Lab.
- BreakingLands is free to play, but contains a premium currency (in this case Crowns) available for purchase that gives players in-game advantages. These type of games are called 'Freemium' games.
- As players buy larger amounts of Crowns, the cost per Crown decreases.
- Crowns are the only type of resource that cannot be lost when you are raided.