BreakingLands Wiki

Magic Dust big

"After the flask is smashed, the little creature scatter around the neighborhood and reveal camouflaged enemy structures by electrocuting them."

  • Summary
    • The Electric Bugs creates a translucent purple ring on the battlefield that unmasks all hidden traps inside it. It also deals minor damage to all buildings inside the ring.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • Although Electric Bugs deal minor damage, they can assist your troops by unmasking hidden traps. Drop it in the areas where you expect to see traps.
    • Use Electric Bugs before drop your army, so you'll prevent it from getting additional damage.

Level Damage Grain1Build Cost Lab Level Grain1Upgrade Cost Research Time
1 50 25,000 N/A N/A N/A
2 80 30,000 3 350,000 1 d
3 110 35,000 7 1,000,000 2 d
4 150 40,000 12 2,500,000 5 d
5 200 45,000 17 4,000,000 9 d
Tier 1 GruntMusketeerPillager
Tier 2 BruteSiege BombZeppelinSea Wolf
Tier 3 VertibirdDutchmanGoliath
Bertha Shells HammerDynamite StickElectric BugsWonder RemedySharkDragon Shot