BreakingLands Wiki

"This lethal construction is too heavy to pursue anyone. Structures on the other hand, are not so lucky they haven't learnt to run yet..."

Destroyer 1
Destroyer 2
Destroyer 3
Destroyer 4
Destroyer 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

  • Summary
    • The Goliath is the last troop to be unlocked in the standard Barracks. He has the strongest armor of any troops, and the highest damage of any normal unit in the game. However, he is also the most expensive troop of all, and has the longest training time.
    • The Goliath receives double damage from Hidden Teslas due to the conductivity of his armor.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • Because this unit has the highest attack of all normal units in the game along with very high health, it is advisable to deploy them in pairs on each corner of the opponent's village or near a bunch of enemy defensive buildings. By deploying in pairs, Mortars won't be as effective either, as they can only damage one pair at a time as opposed to an entire group of Goliaths deployed together. Nevertheless, if the opponent's village has maximum level Walls, it may be best to deploy larger groups of Goliaths. This way, they will be able to break through the walls with one hit. Beware of Hidden Teslas though, as Hidden Teslas do twice as much damage to Goliaths as they do to other Troops.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • Hidden Teslas deal enough damage to kill a Goliath quickly. However, several Goliaths together are still quite dangerous, so make sure you have a secondary defense. Have a plan to remove some of them the old-fashioned way, and then have a Hidden Tesla kill the rest.

Level Damage Hitpoints Grain1 Training Cost Grain1 Research Cost Lab Level Required Research Time
1 600 1600 17000 N/A N/A N/A
2 700 1700 19000 3000000 12 7 d
3 825 1900 22000 3500000 14 8 d
4 950 2100 25000 5000000 18 9 d
5 1150 2400 30000 5500000 20 10 d
Tier 1 GruntMusketeerPillager
Tier 2 BruteSiege BombZeppelinSea Wolf
Tier 3 VertibirdDutchmanGoliath
Bertha Shells HammerDynamite StickElectric BugsWonder RemedySharkDragon Shot