BreakingLands Wiki

Consum arachno

Consum arachno
Consum arachno vip
Level 1 Level 2

  • Summary
    • When an enemy comes into proximity, the trap follows him and explodes.
    • In comparison with Mine, Lure has rather great radius and deals much more damage. 
    • Does splash damage.
    • The Lure takes a little time before it can explode.

Level Damage Damage Radius Upgrade Experience Icon coin1Cost Build Time Town Hall Level Required
1 35 5 0 9000 0 s 12
2 42 5 60 20000 1 h 12
3 50 5 120 40000 2 h 13
4 59 5 360 80000 6 h 14
5 69 5 720 150000 12 h 15
6 81 5 1440 300000 1 d 16
7 94 5 2880 1000000 2 d 17
8 110 5 4320 2000000 3 d 18
9 129 5 5760 3000000 4 d 19
10 150 5 7200 4000000 5 d 20
Defensive Buildings GunGun TurretMortarScorpioWatch TowerVindicatorHidden TeslaWallsTraps : Ancient MineIridium MinePitfallPredatory PittSurpriseInfernal SurpriseMine BundleMega BombLureFrantic KegAshe 500Giga Ashe
Resource Buildings MillMintWorker's HouseBarnBankElevatorTaxman
Army Buildings Parade GroundBarracksLabBig BerthaTavern
Other Buildings Town HallClan CastleDecorationsObstacles