BreakingLands Wiki

Troops - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Shells

Tier2 beefcake

Beefcake Bomb Baloon Cap
Brute Siege Bomb Zeppelin Sea Wolf

Tier 2 troops are neither as strong as Tier 3, nor as weak as Tier 1. Tier 2 troops are also much more specialized then either Tier 1 or Tier 3, providing Siege Bombs for breaking through Walls, Sea Wolfs for excellent (though fragile) firepower and Brutes and Zeppelins to specifically take down defenses. Zeppelins are also the first flying unit available in the game. These troops form the backbone of many armies because they excel in their given specialization, are generally durable enough to survive several defensive attacks and are not as exorbitantly priced as Tier 3.

Tier 1 GruntMusketeerPillager
Tier 2 BruteSiege BombZeppelinSea Wolf
Tier 3 VertibirdDutchmanGoliath
Bertha Shells HammerDynamite StickElectric BugsWonder RemedySharkDragon Shot