BreakingLands Wiki

Townhall 20

"The main city building. Shows your level of technological development."

Townhall 1 Townhall 2 Townhall 3 Townhall 4 Townhall 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Townhall 6 Townhall 7 Townhall 8 Townhall 9 Townhall 10
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Townhall 11 Townhall 12 Townhall 13 Townhall 14 Townhall 15
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15
Townhall 16 Townhall 17 Townhall 18 Townhall 19 Townhall 20
Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20

  • Strategy and Tips
    • Upgrading this building unlocks new structures, scenery elements and traps.
    • When farming, you should probably leave your Town Hall outside your Walls undefended, and when Trophy hunting put it in the center surrounded by defenses.
    • If players are collecting Trophies they should protect their Town Hall at all costs. When the Town Hall is destroyed it is an automatic win for the attacker and a gain of one star. If players are pursuing rapid growth, large amounts of resources will be needed. In order to improve the collecting of resources, placing the Town Hall in a completely unprotected area should be considered. Placement of your Town Hall in an unprotected area affords two very important advantages:
    • Town Halls have the highest hit points of any building, with exception of Walls, which means they take a long time to destroy.
    • Placing your Town Hall within range of your most powerful defenses can give it the most shots to destroy attackers.
    • It is suggested that you upgrade everything you possibly can (e.g. Troops, Buildings, etc.) before upgrading the Town Hall to the next level.
    • Don't place your Town Hall in a corner surrounded by walls, troops can still be placed next to the Town Hall.
    • Try not to upgrade your Town Hall before your base is maxed out, as you will get less resources from players with a lower level Town Hall. (see Raids for more)
Level Hitpoints Icon coin1Build Cost XP Gained Build Time
1 1500 0 0 0 minutes
2 1550 1000 5 5 minutes
3 1600 2000 80 80 minutes
4 1720 520 160 160 minutes
5 1850 10000 270 270 minutes
6 1975 25000 480 480 minutes
7 2100 40000 720 720 minutes
8 2250 60000 1080 1080 minutes
9 2400 130000 1560 1560 minutes
10 2600 230000 2100 2100 minutes
11 2800 350000 2640 2640 minutes
12 3000 470000 3240 3240 minutes
13 3200 600000 3840 3840 minutes
14 3450 1000000 5100 5100 minutes
15 3700 1400000 6780 6780 minutes
16 3950 1850000 8820 8820 minutes
17 4200 2300000 11040 11040 minutes
18 4400 2800000 13380 13380 minutes
19 4700 3300000 16320 16320 minutes
20 5000 4000000 20160 20160 minutes
Defensive Buildings GunGun TurretMortarScorpioWatch TowerVindicatorHidden TeslaWallsTraps : Ancient MineIridium MinePitfallPredatory PittSurpriseInfernal SurpriseMine BundleMega BombLureFrantic KegAshe 500Giga Ashe
Resource Buildings MillMintWorker's HouseBarnBankElevatorTaxman
Army Buildings Parade GroundBarracksLabBig BerthaTavern
Other Buildings Town HallClan CastleDecorationsObstacles